Biella, Italy 2005-11-12/13


Ready for take off: S*Garpriket's Trillium, S*Vimmerskogens Alexa & S*Animaniac's Terry Talebaerer

Early Friday morning (06.30) at Kastrup Airport in Copenhagen.
We are starting the trip with an 2,5 hours delay...


In Italy the GPS didn't have the same opinion as us which way was the best...


Finally arriving to our B&B Il Talucco, Valdengo in Biella


Trillium is checking the B&B facilities, afterwards she looked rather satisfied...

First night in Biella we found some new friends, Miranda (Feles Mirus)& Kitty and...

... got lost in old Biella by night....

Biella early Saturday morning

Trillium is ready for World Winner Show...

... and so are Lasse Cajander, Vimmerskogen


Veterinary check point and the hall


The catwalk and some expectant judges.
Mr Geir Edwardsen, Mr Albert Kurkowski & Mrs Lena Sundberg


Judge Jörgen Jensen was so happy to see a Danish participant...


So, the competition began...
Our S*Garpriket's Trillium met judge Lee Selassa and got this judgement:
Type: Outstanding body and boning, Head: Ex triangle with very good forehead, Ex sidelines.
Eyes: Alert expression, Ears: Large and Ex set. Ex Showcondition!! Tail: Ex lenght. Ex groomed


Judge Raymond Saetre is judging our granddaughter DK*Royal Danes Lillefix


Time for the gigant... GIP/EC S*Kringlans Korint - CAPE, BIV, NOM!!
Congratulations to Annelie and Håkan Ogén, S*Kringlans


End of Saturday, four happy ladies relaxing...


Sunday, time to look around at the more or less beautiful cages...


The cage of a princess... EC S*Sagoskogens Anna DSM, a true beauty... Owner: Grünerlokkas, Norway


GIP/EC S*Kringlans Korint...

... was a VERY popular "person" in the hall...


BIG cups and swedes ready for the final...

The Danish fanclub was succesful...


Final: 6-10 months - in front S*Vimmerskogens Alexa
Congratulations to Lasse & Gunilla for wonderful results on your little lady.


World Winner 2005, 6-10 months: Nirvana Blue Tanis, JW


World Winner 2005, 3-6 months: DK Seierös Tiaro of Escarceos


GIP/EC S*Kringlans Korint - 3rd best neuter male in the final


Our own pride: Grand International Champion S*Garpriket's Trillium


Sunday evening, home made italian meal, our hostess Valentina served us several drinks too...


Monday: sightseeing in the neighbourhood, here Santuario di Oropa


Odd traffic jam - lamb hitch hiking on the donkey...


High... above the clouds...


Lunch stop at mountain Bielmonte...


... hmmm, a little bit odd bar.... collecting stuffed animals and all other things you just can imagine...

Ciao Italy!

Last dinner in Biella, Swedish and Italian friends together...